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Back to School Party!
Send out summer with waterslides and new friends!

Want in on the action?
Sign up today to join in the fun!
This is a popular event and will fill up fast. Registration ends August 21 or sooner if the participant maximum is met.
Registration for this event is closed.
Activity Details
LAU students, friends, and family are invited to Splash Summit water park from 4-8 PM MT. An LAU check-in table will be located at the park's entrance. Upon check-in, guests will receive wristbands. These wristbands include park entrance, tube rental, and parking.
At 5:30 PM, meet at the island cabanas for pizza, drinks, and cookies.
LAU students get in free! Family and friends are welcome to join us at a discounted rate of $15 per person.
All non-LAU participants must complete a waiver as part of the guest registration form no later than August 21.
Any siblings or friends 12 years and under entering the park at the group rate must be accompanied by an adult. LAU will not be liable or responsible for any guests entering the park.
We are currently unable to make arrangements for any food allergies. Please plan accordingly.
Need Help?
If you have questions about activities or need to submit a waiver, please contact our Student Activities Coordinator.
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LAU Clearfield Office
Office Hours
Mon-Fri: 8:00 AM-3:00 PM MT (or by appointment)
Closed weekends, holidays, and during school events
Mailing Address
1366 South Legend Hills Drive, Ste. 190
Clearfield, Utah 84015
School Fax
435 215-7699
Customer Support
Business Hours
M-Th: 9:00 AM-4:00 PM MT
Fri: 9:00 AM-1:00 PM MT
Closed weekends and holidays
© 2025 Leadership Academy of Utah